The Magic of Michael Tulkoff
The Magic of Michael Tulkoff
The Magic of Michael Tulkoff
The Magic of Michael Tulkoff

All the funding for Michael Tulkoff’s ongoing hospital work is donated from private individuals or organizations, not from hospital budgets.

“I need your support if you believe in what I do and have accomplished in these past few years,” Michael says.
To be a part of my work in hospitals, you will need to earmark your gift as going to the ‘Magic Michael Tulkoff Program’ with checks payable to “American Friends of Chaiyanu.”

Mail your U.S. tax deductible donations to: Rabbi Y. Pinsky, Director Chaiyanu,
#3 Mercaz Shatner, Givat Shaul, Jerusalem 95461 Israel.

Tulkoff is also trying to gain support for his Magic Michael Tulkoff Road Safety program, which is promoted by Metunah, an organization that seeks to lower Israel’s disturbingly high traffic death rate. Israel is a world leader in pedestrian traffic injuries and sadly, death.

“I work with far too many victims of preventable accidents in rehabilitation hospitals and painfully see the ravages first hand. The fledgling road safety program parallels the award winning board of education approved work I did in Baltimore, D.C., and Northern Virginia. Aimed at teaching kids how to buckle up, check the roads carefully as pedestrians and more, this program hopes to go national throughout Israel's nursery and elementary schools.”